IntelliSTEM consortium (GORD + FUTURA) participates the KATANA Reward Crowdfunding (CF) project which financially support innovative products and services in Agribusiness. Company’s solution IntelliSTEM compete in the Precision Agriculture Services category.
KATANA CF project will select 10 solutions and financially support them with 100K EUR grant each for additional development and faster access to international markets. They will also get marketing and PR support for presentation to international promoters and investors (biz angels, investment funds, etc.). Three solutions in all 3 categories will be selected based on the awarded financial contributions, and the 10th on the list may belong to any category.
KATANA Crowdfunding starts on 01.Oct.2017.
During 1st round, 100 solution proposals were selected in all categories, from total of 650 applicants. They established 54 consortia which created their own crowdfunding campaigns and now compete for a 100K EUR grant.
More details:
- KATANA Top-10
- IntelliSTEM YouTube Channel
- IntelliSTEM page
- About KATANA
- About GORD [GORD Systems Services provides innovative IT solutions based on IoT, Mobile & Machine learning technology]
- About FUTURA [FUTURA 2/2 is marketing and advertizing agency]